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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi

Friends, If you are short of the words of Forgive me Quotes, Forgive me status, Forgiveness quotes, Forgiveness quotes in English, Forgive me quote for him, forgive quote for her, forgive me quote for GF, forgive me quote for Bf, forgive me quote for husband, forgive me quote for wife, forgive me quote for friend, forgive me quote for best friend, माफ़ी quotes, क्षमा पर सुविचार, क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर सुविचार, forgive me quotes in Hindi, Sorry quotes, sorry quotes for wife, sorry quotes for husband, sorry quotes for BF, sorry quotes for GF, Sorry quotes for Friend, Here are the bundle of the forgive me quotes. Pick anyone from this and share it with your dear one from who want to ask for forgiveness. Surely He/She will forgive you.

Shalini Chaurasia




Last updated on August 23rd, 2023 at 08:13 am

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Forgiveness is the hallmark of a person with great and generous heart. Know what is forgiveness and who should be forgiven and who is not. Only a person with a big heart can be forgiving. There can be many reasons for doing Forgiveness. Sometimes pardon is also granted on the nature of offense or mistake. Saying forgive me is a very difficult to someone from whom we want to ask for Forgiveness. Forgive me quotes are the best way to say sorry to anyone. Friends, If you are short of the words of Forgive me Quotes, Forgive me status, Forgiveness quotes, Forgiveness quotes in English, Forgive me quote for him, forgive quote for her, forgive me quote for GF, forgive me quote for Bf, forgive me quote for husband, forgive me quote for wife, forgive me quote for friend, forgive me quote for best friend, माफ़ी quotes, क्षमा पर सुविचार, क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर सुविचार, forgive me quotes in Hindi, Sorry quotes, sorry quotes for wife, sorry quotes for husband, sorry quotes for BF, sorry quotes for GF, Sorry quotes for Friend, Here are the bundle of the forgive me quotes. Pick anyone from this and share it with your dear one from who want to ask for forgiveness. Surely He/She will forgive you.

Sorry Quotes की श्रृंखला में प्रस्तुत हैं “Please Forgive me Quotes”

Please forgive me Status

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani
Please Forgive me Quotes

Darling, I regret my actions, and I want us to go back to the way things were, please forgive me I love you.

You wouldn’t be reading this messages right now because I have gone back in time and undone the hurt I caused you, I regret my action badly and I am sorry. I love you so much.

About the other night, darling I am very sorry, please forgive me, my love.

I know Lie to you and I have broken your trust, mine as well is broken and now I am willingly to make amend. I have hurt your feeling so much. Please forgive me my joy.

I know I have broken your trust, I don’t want to hurt your feelings any longer I am ready to reconcile. Please forgive me for my mistakes.

Dear, please forgive me, I have realized my mistakes, I promise I will never repeat them nor let you down. I love you so much.

If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel for what I did to you, my apologies will run into days, weeks and months, I won’t be tired for saying am sorry for hurting you my queen.

Darling, I know I have been a letdown, lied to you countless times, and broken your heart. Please forgive me, I can’t stop loving you.

I don’t even know where to start, I feel so terrible for what I did to you, I am sorry my love. Please forgive me, I love you dearly.

Please Forgive Me Quotes Messages Status for Her

Please Forgive Me Status, Message And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani
Forgive me Quotes for Her

I want to promise you that this will never happen; I will always make sure you are happy. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me.

Honey, I am so sorry for my awful behavior! I will not act that way again.

I am sorry if I hurt you; but I want you to know that I love you… I really do.

I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology.

I’m sorry, I was so wrong. I don’t want to lose you in my life. Please forgive me

 Sorry quotes for wife

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani
Forgiveness Quotes for Wife

You know that I’m not the smartest guy on Earth, especially when it comes to understanding someone’s feelings. I just realized that what I did was stupid and not okay. I’m so sorry, babe. 

You’ve given me so many second chances, it’s embarrassing to admit. I’m trying to be more empathetic and I’m getting better at it, but I need some time to get to your level. All I can do is hope that you will understand and forgive me. 

How could I be so foolish and insensitive? The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but this stupid inability to control my anger messes with my head every single time. I’m trying my best, I promise. Forgive me.

People don’t appreciate what they have until they’ve lost it. I can relate to that. I can’t stop thinking about how foolish I was, and I can’t believe that my childishness resulted in losing the best thing I’ve ever had. I’m so sorry. Please come back. 

You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. Your ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself helped me to realise that I was wrong. I took a moment to reflect on myself, and I fully admit that what I did was not okay. I hope you can forgive me. 

I have never thought that I’m capable of such a thing. It hurts me to know that I made you feel bad. You deserve so much better than this. I’ll do anything to be a better person for you. Forgive me. 

We both know that I have a temper. I’m not trying to justify myself, sometimes I just cannot control what I say. I promise that I will work on that, and I promise to never go back on that promise. I’m really sorry. 

My most important goal in life is to make you happy. All I want is to make you feel safe and loved. Sometimes my stupid mistakes prevent me from doing that, but I’m trying really hard for you, baby. I’m so sorry. 

Fights are important. We’re learning to compromise, overcoming difficulties and growing together spiritually. But it doesn’t mean that it’s okay to hurt each other. I’m really sorry for my behaviour, baby. 

Sorry Quotes for GF Girlfriend

Sorry Babu, Sorry Shona, Forgive me Babu, Forgive me babe, Forgive me hansome, Sorry darling, Forgive me status

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani
Forgiveness Quotes for GF

I don’t think that I deserve your forgiveness, but I will hate myself if don’t try at least. I know I messed up big time, but I love you more than anything in the world and I can’t imagine my life without you. I promise to make it up to you. 

When I’m with you, I’m trying so hard not to screw things up. Apparently, sometime I think too much and it makes everything worse. You are perfect. I just want to be the best version of myself for you. I’m so sorry, baby. 

I love you like crazy. Sometimes I get really jealous, and I understand that it’s not your problem. It’s about me, and I need to fix myself before I ruin this relationship. I’m trying, I love you, and I’m sorry. 

I know not what I do. The anger just blinds me, and I lose control. I’m not making excuses, but I want you to understand that I never mean to hurt you, and it’s all my fault. Please forgive me. 

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so afraid of losing you. This fear is making me act crazy from time to time, but I’m working on myself. I’m sorry for hurting your feelings, love. 

My greatest fear was the mistake I made, I have hurt you I know but I will not let my ego stand my way. I will apology even if it takes me days to say am sorry.

From now on, I have promise to think about our relationship, I am sorry that I bombarded you with my angry. I love you a lot. Please forgive me my queen

 I know it will be very hard for you to forgive me, but I want you to look into my eyes to see that I am truly sorry. I cherish you.      

I wish I could erase the memories of the feeling that I have make you go through a lot just because of me, am sorry my honey bunny.

I take this moment to apologize for the mistake I did, I know I hurt you, but I will not let my ego stand in the way. Please forgive me, my love.

I am sorry for being so aggressive but this is a mistake that I will always regret and not to remember, I just want you to know that I love you a lot.

Please Forgive Me Quotes for Him

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgiveness Quotes For Him
Forgiveness Quotes for Him

From now until forever, I will love you. I will love you when you hate me, ignore me and even when you stop loving me. It would make it easier though if you would at least forgive me.

Dear, love for you has deeply rooted in my heart, so I am always worried when you take offense at me. Please, forgive me.

You are the only guy whose arms I want to be in. Please forgive me.

I don’t expect thing to become normal straight away. But until that happens, I will keep trying every single day. I am sorry.

I hate when we fight. I feel alone and abandoned when I can’t talk to you. I know you feel the same. I apologize for acting like crazy, I never meant to hurt you, love. You are my everything, please forgive me.

Ever since we started dating you have done everything I asked you to. As one last favor, please forgive me so that I can start doing everything that you want me to. I am sorry.

You truly are one of the most wonderful people I have met in my life. And I want you to continue being that and not allow something minute as this get in the way between us. I love you, and I’m sorry.

Darling, I cannot promise that there will be no more fights, but I can promise that I will try to be a better person for you every day. I’m so sorry.

I am sorry – if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty.

I have made this promise and always that I will stop overreacting and avoid any silly argument, I love you more than I love my self. Please forgive me my queen

You are my one and only heartbeat, you have shown me what I could never see, took me places where I could have never reached. My heart is yours. Please forgive me, I love you.

I know I have hurt temper but it isn’t hotter than you, please let make amend and continue our love. I am sorry.

The silence is killing me; I don’t know what to do for you to forgive me. I love you please forgive me.

I am sorry quotes for Husband

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Sorry Quotes For Husband
Sorry Quotes for Husband

I am so sorry for my earlier horrible actions to you. You certainly did not deserve that. I am so sorry, honey.

Love is blind, so can you be please unsee my behavior and forgive me? I am really sorry for that day.

I am sorry. Please forgive me and be normal again. I will not repeat this mistake again. I miss you.

Dear, I am sorry from bottom of my heart. I am guilty of my work. I know you are a big-hearted man who will forgive me. But I promise I will not do this again.

I am the reason for all the severe headaches you had today. I promise to be your Aspirin and drive all the pain away. I am sorry.

Please consider my mistake as a small pothole in the beautiful freeway of our married lives. I promise to fix it so we can cruise along again. I am sorry.

I was so impulsive that my nagging behavior became repulsive. Now I will be compulsive in saying sorry to you until you forgive me.

I hurt you. I feel so ashamed that I showed my worst side to the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am sorry.

I’m so sorry for whatever I said, for whatever I did and I mean it. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, please forgive me!

Forgiveness quotes for Husband

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Sorry Quotes For Husband
Forgiveness Quotes for Husband

Honey, I have made mistake. I should be more careful. Please, this time forgive me. I have learned a good lesson from this mistake. I am sorry.

Nothing can erase the lies that I have said. But I hope that watching me suffer and suffocate in regret will make you realize how sorry I am. I love you.

This apology is nothing compared to my rude words, but I still hope you can forgive me and be the bigger person in this room. I love you so much, dear husband, and cannot be deprived of your love.

I hope my heartfelt apology will make your anger melt and help us heal. I am so sorry, my dear. Please give me one more chance.

My selfishness has created a crack in our mirror of love, and I am so sorry for my behavior lately. Please try to find forgiveness for this naïve wife of yours in your heart.

I promise to work harder from now on to understand you better. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you, dear hubby.

Sorry quotes for Boyfriend

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Sorry Quotes For  Bf
Sorry Quotes for BF

I was wrong, I had hurt you. But it would be more wrong if I didn’t apologize to you. I’m sorry, my dear.

I feel bad for making you sad, I feel guilty for making you feel awful, baby I am sorry for making you feel that way. I am so sorry my love.

You have always stood by my side through the thick and thin. I am sorry for not being there for you in the same way you have been here for me.

I’m sorry that I overreacted. I just want you to understand and hug me saying, “Everything is going to be okay.

No words can express how sorry I am for hurting you, honey, and for all the harm that I‘ve caused.

It was never my intention to hurt you or cause you pain. Destiny conspired to drive this wedge between us and all I want is for this burden to be lifted. I’m sorry.

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 57

There is a pain here in my heart ever since you have stopped talking to me, I’m sorry.

I apologize and promise that I won’t be extremely possessiveness from now on. But this doesn’t mean that if another girl tries to flirt with you, she won’t get pawned. I am sorry.

I know there is nothing I can do to make up for my behavior over the last few weeks. So I got a gift for you. Hope you like it and will forgive me because I love you, and you know it’s true!

It is painful to see how such a small mistake, can impact two lives like this. How can such a small act of stupidity, make two lives worse. But we don’t have to let it end this way. Please accept my apology. I love you.

I’m sorry if I offended you in word or deed, my heart misses you and I am very lonely. I love you very much.

I said “I love you” and I meant it. But I hurt you, now “I’m sorry” and I mean it.

Forgive Me Text Messages

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgive Me Text Message
Forgive me Text Message

My king, I have realized relationships cannot grow where there are lies, please forgive me as I cannot do without you.

I am very sorry I was not responsive to you. It has been a long day for me. Please forgive me.

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 58

Please forgive me; I did not respond to your SMS and calls, I was going through a lot of challenges in life.

My feelings for you are true, you are an amazing princess, please forgive me.

Forgive me for my strong fear and suspicion; I thought I would lose you forever. I promise I will never repeat the same mistakes.

You are my heart, my only love, the one who makes my heart miss a beat when I hurt you, I feel the pain, please, forgive me, my love. I will never repeat the mistake.

I love you so much and belong to you my love; I know things are not right; please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Please Forgive Me SMS

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgive Me Sms
Please Forgive me SMS

You have been very nice to me, I don’t want our relationship to face another direction, please forgive me. It was my mistake.

I know how this day was very important to you; please forgive me for arriving late.

Let’s forget about the past, the future is so bright for us to anger at each other at this stage.

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 59

Life is too short to be offended for long, look at the bright side of life. Please forgive me, my love.

I am sorry for what I said, it was due to my anger, please forgive me.

Holding a grudge will not make you forget, that’s why I ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive me.

Forgiveness Quotes by Famous People

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgiveness Quotes By Famous People
Forgiveness Quotes by Famous People

“I don’t like it, and I’m sorry I ever had anything to do with it.” –  Erwin Schrodinger

“Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” – Paul Boese

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 60

“I am sorry for what has happened and I know that I need some help.” – Susan Smith

“Proper apologies have three parts: 1) What I did was wrong. 2) I feel bad that I hurt you. 3) How do I make this better?” – Randy Pausch

“When you forgive, you free your soul. But when you say I’m sorry, you free two souls.“ – Donald L. Hicks

“But you know all about that, being sorry and having no words to say something when you know you should but you just can’t.” – Heather Gudenkauf

 “Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee

“I’m not very good at saying sorry, but I apologize.“ – Chris Kurtz

“Not admitting a mistake is a bigger mistake.” – Robert Half

“A sincere and warmly-expressed apology can produce the same effects as morphine on a suffering soul.”― Richelle E. Goodrich

Forgive me Quotes for Friend

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgive Me Text Message
Sorry Quotes for Friend

I wish I could take back all the pain from you and fill the space with the joys of friendship once again. I don’t know how much I can do with a simple SORRY. But I know you will understand!

Our friendship is way too important than stupid ego or mistakes, so here I am, pledging your forgiveness. Please accept my apology, dear.

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 61

Ever since I hurt you, I have been feeling really miserable. Let’s chill and be cool again! I’m sorry. Please forgive me!

Sometimes I take the liberty of taking you for granted because deep down in my heart I know that my best friend will always understand. I am sorry.

The biggest failure in life is when you break the heart of a close friend. I will never be able to express how I feel inside. I am really sorry about everything!

I am extremely sorry for my behavior. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for this time.

If I have hurt you with my words or behavior, I am really sorry from the depth of my heart. I can’t stay apart from you. I am really sorry.

I’m willing to do whatever it takes to restore our friendship. I can’t apologize enough.

You have to know that I appreciate our friendship like nothing else in this world, and I would do anything to make it up to you. I am truly sorry.

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Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 62

I know I have not acted the way a friend should do, and for that I am sorry. I promise to make it up to you when I have the chance.

I will never lie to you again. I will never cause you any more pain. From now on, I will be extremely cautious because our friendship is too precious. Please forgive me.

Sorry Quotes for Best Friend

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgiveness Quotes For Best Friend
Forgive me Quotes for Best Friend

I miss you every moment of every day. It was very immature of me to hurt you like that. I am extremely sorry for hurting you with my words. I love you so much.

 I don’t have many reasons to say sorry to you. I can say sorry when I am guilty. I can say sorry even when I am not. Because our friendship means so much to me.

If I knew my actions would hurt my best friend, I would have thought a thousand times before doing that. You matter to me more than you think. I am sorry!

I want you to know that I’m deeply sorry. If I have said something I should never have said, please forgive me.

I never meant to hurt you intentionally. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m sorry, my sweet friend.

It was rude and disrespectful, and you’re right, it was respectful. I’m sorry, best friend. Please forgive me.

Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 63

I’m sorry I haven’t been much of a best friend recently. Can you please forgive me?

 I’m sorry my dear friend. I just don’t know what to do. But I swear, I tried my best to tell you all about it. I promise to be a better friend to you.

I’ll love you forever, my beautiful friend. May my deepest apologies help your heart mend.

My world is all dark and dull when you don’t have a smile on your face. I know it is because of me that you are so upset. I am sorry dear friend. Please smile now!

Touchy Sorry Messages for Friends

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani Forgive Me Text Message
Touchy Sorry Messages For Friends

I am sorry for lying. You can be as mad at me as you want. But do it quickly because I’ve got something really exciting to tell you.

There may never come a day when I disappoint you like I did yesterday. I ask for your forgiveness so that we can forever remain, great buddies, like we are.

My precious friend, my heart is breaking over our last conversation. I am sorry for hurting your feelings. I never meant to. Please forgive me.

Dear friend, my heart hurts knowing that I have caused you pain. Please look inside your heart to forgive me.

Forgiveness-Sorry-Quotes1 Gallery Desigyani Shalini Chaurasia
Please Forgive me Status, Sorry Babu Messages and Quotes for Him and her in English & Hindi 64

I’m sorry for the hurtful words I said to you, my beautiful friend. I didn’t mean them, and I pray that you will forgive me.

Please accept my apology, sweet friend. What I did was inexcusable, and I promise to never do it again.

 I hope you will be kind enough to forgive me one last time. Give me another chance and I promise that I won’t disappoint you again.

I know I should have put more faith in you, but I ended up acting in a way I should not, and for that, I am terribly sorry.

 I know that it may have seemed like I did, but I did not mean to make a fool out of you like that. My actions were unintentional, and I feel terrible. I hope that one day you will choose to forgive me.

My world is all dark & dull when you don’t have a smile on your face. I know it is because of me that you are so upset. I apologize, dear friend. Please smile now!

I haven’t found any better friends in my life than you. Every moment with you is like a moment spent in heaven. I feel truly sad because I have hurt someone so special to me. I am sorry!

Forgiveness Quotes in Hindi क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani    क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन
क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन

क्षमा कितनी खुशनसीब है, जिसे पाकर लोग अपनों को याद करते हैं! लेकिन अहंकार कितना बदनसीब है, जिसे पाकर लोग अक्‍सर अपनों को ही भूल जाते हैं!!

गलतियां हमेशा क्षमा करने योग्य होता है, अगर किसी को उन्हें स्वीकार करने का साहस होता है।ब्रूस ली(Bruce Lee)

मैंने किया है गुन्हा माँ मुझे माफ़ करना, मेरी माँ तू कभी मुझसे नाराज़ न होना! नहीं रह पाउँगा मैं तेरे प्यार के बिना, सॉरी कहने पर माँ तू मुझे माफ़ कर देना!!

नींद नहीं आती है तेरा दिल दुखाकर, रातों को जागता हूँ करवटे बदल बदलकर!   हो गई है गलती अब तो माफ़ कर दो, अपने दिल में मेरे लिए जगह फिर से कर दो!!

भूल से भूल को भुला दो जरा, आशिक आपके है गले से लगा लो जरा! फिर ना करेंगे नराज़ आपको, अब तो थोडा मुस्कुरा दो जरा!! Sorry Baby

तेरे रूठ जाने से खुद को अकेला महसूस कर रहा हूँ, जब से तुम गई हो पल पल मर रहा हूँ !                                      बर्दाश्त नही होती ये दूरियां, अब माफ़ भी कर दो खता को हमारी!!

वो गुस्से में दूर से ही निहारा करते हैं, क्या बात हैं जाने क्यूँ इतने खफ़ा लगते हैं! कोई खता हुई हमसे तो बख्श दीजिये, हम तो हर वक्त आप ही को याद किया करते हैं!!

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani  Sorry Quotes Message Status In Hindi
Sorry message in Hindi

रिश्तों में दूरियां तो आती–जाती रहती हैं, फिर भी दोस्ती दिलो को मिला देती है!                                                       वो दोस्ती ही क्या जिसमे नाराजगी न हो, पर सच्ची दोस्ती दोस्तों को मना ही लेती है!!

न तेरी शान कम हो जाती है, न मेरा रुतबा घट जाता है! एक माफ़ी मांग लेने से हम दोनों का रिश्ता बच जाता है!!

नींद नहीं आती है तेरा दिल दुखाकर, रातों को जागता हूँ करवटे बदल बदलकर!                                              हो गई है गलती अब तो माफ़ कर दो, अपने दिल में मेरे लिए जगह फिर से कर दो!!

आज मैंने किसी अपने को ख़फ़ा कर दिया, ऐसा लगा जैसे मैंने खुद को ही खफा कर दिया!
उन्हें कैसे मनाये यही सोचते रहे हम रात भर,उनके बिना तो मेरी नींदों ने भी आने से मना कर दिया!!

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani   क्षमा कीजिए पर अनमोल विचार
क्षमा कीजिए पर अनमोल विचार

मेरी हर खता पर नाराज़ न होना, अपनी प्यारी सी मुस्कान कभी न खोना!                                                            सुकून मिलता है देखकर आपकी मुस्कराहट को, मुझे मौत भी आये तो भी मत रोना!!

अगर कोई खता हो गयी तो सज़ा सुना दो, दिल में इतना दर्द क्यूँ है इसकी वजह बता दो!
खता हुई है हम मानते है जरूर, मगर हमे भुला देने का ये ख्याल मिटा दो !!

माफ करने के लिए यह सबसे महान उपहार है जो आप स्वयं को दे सकते हैं। सभी को क्षमा करें।माया एंजेलो(Maya Angelou)

चलो आज एक वादा करते हैं हम तुमसे, मेरे लिए आज से कोई नहीं ज्यादा होगा तुमसे!
माफ़ कर दो जो रुसवा किया हमने तुमको, गलती हमारी ही थी जो खुद से जुदा किया हमने तुमको!!

देखा है मुझे भी आज गुस्से की नज़र से उन्होंने, मालूम नहीं आज वो किस-किस से लड़े होंगे!
न तेरी शान कम हो जाती, न तेरा रुतबा घट जाता, जो तूने गुस्से में कहा अगर वही हँस के कहा होता !!

Please Forgive Me Status And Quotes For Him And Her In English And Hindi Desigyani  Forgivenss Quotes In Hindi
Forgiveness Quotes in Hindi

माफ़ी से बातें सुलझ जाती है, और दूरियां कम हो जाती है!
उदास चेहरों पर एक बार फिर हँसी के फूल खिला देती है!!

Friends, I hope you liked Please Forgive me Status and Quotes for Him and her in English and Hindi,क्षमा पर सुविचार, forgive me quote for friend, forgive me quote for best friend, माफ़ी quotes, क्षमा पर सुविचार, क्षमा पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर अनमोल वचन, माफ़ी पर सुविचार, forgive me quotes in Hindi, Sorry quotes, sorry quotes for wife, sorry quotes for husband, sorry quotes for BF, sorry quotes for GF, Sorry quotes for Friend, Here are the bundle of the forgive me quotes. Please Share it with near and dear ones.

Thank You

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ताज़ा खबरें


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